
How to Design an eBook Layout That Will Blow Your Audience Away!

How to Design an eBook Layout That Will Blow Your Audience Away!

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How to Design an eBook Layout That Will Blow Your Audience Away!

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 08:27 AM PDT

How to Create Amazing EBOOK Layouts With Incredible Ease!

This post will make you think twice about your next ebook design.  Or at least I hope it will.

Don’t we all love documents that are easy to scan, have large fonts and high-quality images?  They’re like music to our overworked brains and eyes.

So if we’re using these strategies on our sites, why aren’t we applying these same design principles to our ebooks?


To be honest, upgrading my ebook designs has not been on top of my to-do list UNTIL I saw Derek Halpern’s recent post on how to make your content go viral.

I don’t know what program he used to create the layout, but it looked like PowerPoint to me, so I fired up the program and started playing around.

I’m not much of a PowerPoint user (I forgot I even had the software!), but it’s so intuitive that it didn’t take me long before I had something cooking on my desktop…

Sample EBOOK design in Powerpoint

It was actually kind of fun, and I have so many ebook design ideas now.

So I put together this video that shows you how to take your ebook designs to the next level using PowerPoint.

Don’t have PowerPoint?  You can use any presentation software that allows you to save the file as a PDF.  Keynote for Mac is another option.


WARNING:  It’s soooooooo easy you might become addicted to creating different designs. :)

(Reading this from my old Feedburner email list? Click here to watch!)

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